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METEOROLOGI Sloane, Eric. How can you forecast the weather. 1964. Fawcett. 144 pp with 81 illustrations in the text. [#63745] 80:- Similä, Artturi - Forslund, Björn. Människan och vädret. Teckningar av Nils Stödberg. 1978. Inb med ill omsl. 52 s. [#60329] 70:- Fuerst, Robert E. The Typhoon-Hurricane Story. 1956. Tuttle. 172 pp + plates. [#58943] 80:- Gaunitz, C.B. Naturens väderleksrapporter. Praktisk handledning i konsten att förutsäga morgondagens väder. 1944. Lindfors. Ill av förf. 84 s. [#49884] 80:- Müller-Pouillets Lehrbuch der Physik und Meteorologie. Zehnte umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage herausgegeben von Leop. Pfaundler. In vier Bänden; I-IV:1-3. 5 vols. Braunschweig 1906 uaJ. P's cloth. In all around 4000 pp with many fine and instructive drawings. [#49058] 2250:- Meteorology and Atomic Energy. Washington July 1955. 183 pp. With many ills. 4:o. / Paper for the US Atomic Energy Commission. [#46581] 125:- Wallén, Axel. Sveriges vattensystem. 1923. Tr omsl. 17 s. Kartor oa ill. / Statens meteorologisk-hydrografiska anstalt N:r 213. [#37292] 125:- Forsdyke, A.G. Väderguiden. 1971. 158 s. Fint ill. /Forums färgpocket. [#26776] 60:-
Liljequist, Gösta. Winter temperatures and ice conditions of lake Vetter with special regard to the winter 1939/40. 1941. Ills. 30 pp. Särtr. [#17103] 60:-
Eriksson,Gunnar L. Untersuchung der Periodizitäten der Wasserstände und der abfliessenden Wassermengen von Norslund am Dalelf. 1942. 12 pp. Ills. [#12042] 40:-
Ångström, Anders. On the formation of ice in the river Götaälv as a function of meteorological factors. 1937. Särtr. [#11692] 40:-
Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie. Herausgegeben von der Deutschen Seewarte in Hamburg. Berlin (Mittler & Sohn) 1876-1938. Jahrgänge 4-66. In privately bound uniform brown-red half cloth in very fine condition. In all about 40000 pp + lots of maps and plates in the 66 vols. Stamps. Scarce set. [#12361] 12000:-
Nyberg, Alf. Synoptic-Aerological Investigation of Weather Conditions in Europe, 17-24 April 1939. Sthlm 1945. Diss. Ills. 122 pp. [#5790] 150:-
Munthe, Carl. Die innere Wärmeleitungsfähigkeit von Bodenarten bei verschiedenem Feuchtigkeitsgehalt. Uppsala 1915. Diss. Ill. 86 pp. /Mätningar i Sandbäck, Sandbäckshult, Kosta, Ekerum, Svedala, Toretorpsmossen och Flahult. Titelbladet rivet och lagat. [#9972] 125:-
Ångström, Anders. A Study of the Radiation of the Atmosphere Based on Observations of the Nocturnal Radiation during Expeditions to Algeria and to California. Washington 1916. Diss. 166 pp. [#15877] 200:-
Strömberg, Gustaf. On a Method for Studying a Certain Class of Regularities in a Series of Observations with Application to the Temperature-Curve of Uppsala. Västerås 1915. Diss. 66 pp. [#1112] 200:-
Rolf, Bruno. Probabilité et pronostics des pluies d'été. Thèse de doctorat. Upsala (A&W) 1917. 60 pp incl. the 26 tables. Small numbered edition, this is no. 6 out of 20. Author's dedication to Anders Ångström. Small scratch on front cover. [#11021] 500:-
Boer-de Groot (eds) Landscape-Ecological Impact of Climatic Change. 1990. 447 pp. As new. [#15674] 100:-